What is Konka Youku 330U or Lenovo 17TV?

To say which of the most popular TV products is the most recent one, none other than the Lenovo 17TV. On May 20, Lenovo’s 17TV 55S9i was released in a high-profile fashion, claiming “the wife’s favorite TV”. Since its release, it has maintained a high popularity; on the other hand, Konka’s popular Konka Youku 330U has been popular since its 35th anniversary. Gao, Youku TV 4K Dream Edition, jointly built by Youku and Konka, has won a good reputation. The strong meet, there must be a fight, is the Konka Youku 330U better, or Lenovo 17TV stronger? The following brings a comprehensive comparison.

Comparison of Konka Youku 330U and Lenovo 17TV TV Parameters

From the comparison of the above parameters, it can be seen that the two TVs are the same in size, and other aspects are very different.

1, hardware configuration

Konka Youku 330U

The Konka Youku 330U is slightly weaker in resolution, video decoding, and CPU configuration. The Lenovo 17TV supports mainstream high-end configurations in the market, and H.265 video decoding reduces network requirements.

2, video capabilities

Konka Youku 330U

In terms of video capabilities, the Konka Youku 330U and Lenovo 17TV both support 4K video, but the Konka Youku 330U does not support 3D video playback. In contrast, the Lenovo 17TV is even better.

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6) PF-9007:  a multi-function money detector with UV MG IR white light detection, 7 inch LCD display, has two built in cameras. one is for checking whole image, the other is for checking partial image 

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